ISRAEL FOCUS GROUP meeting, March 16, 2025
16 March Meeting
The Café, Gracecity Church
17 Marewa Road, Greenlane, Auckland
2pm Meet & Greet,
2.25pm Meeting to Commence
Please Invite likeminded Family & Friends
{Plenty of Parking on the Level}
Rosemary Currie will introduce Jenny Goodman
Jenny Goodman
NZ President Of Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem
Jenny will mention our Israel Focus Group Fund Raiser for Hadassah Hospital & Bulb Planting at the Memorial Garden in Remembrance of the children murdered in WW2.
Jacqueline Knight Klisser
Jacqueline was born to Dutch Parents who met in NZ after WW2.
Her father Johan (Han) was a Holocaust Survivor and the sole survivor of his Family. After the War with literally nothing more to lose, Han decided to go as far from Europe as he could and eventually found himself in NZ.
After trying several jobs here Han finally found another refugee, a German Jewish refugee called Dr Reizenstein who taught him how to bake rye breads and other wholemeal loaves that were not otherwise available in NZ.
Han met his wife Janna Dettingmeijer (who also originated from Holland) through a work connection in Auckland. They worked together with Janna (Jenny) doing the accounting and supporting Han during his long shifts and together they eventually bought Dr
Reizenstein out. They later purchased a Vogel franchise as well as baking 30 different types of bread together whilst raising a Family of 4 children. Klissers Bakeries & Vogel became a NZ Household name.
Jacqueline’s talk will include recently discovered information about Leo Klisser, Han’s younger brother (her uncle) who was murdered in Auschwitz when he was just 8 years old.
The Meeting will conclude with Refreshments
Donations will be taken